Friday, January 15, 2021

Animal Adaptations: Blubber


During our Animal Adaptations unit, we completed another fun hands on investigation activity where we learned all about blubber, and the ways it helps animals to survive in icy water.  As always, we started with our guiding question, and made some predictions as a class.

After some discussion, I gave each student an information gathering page, and had them take turns plunging their hands into a tub of ice water.

As a class, we talked about how the icy water felt.  Was it warm or cold (freezing!)?  How long do you think you could keep your body in there (not long!)?  Students recorded their thoughts on their information gathering page.

Afterwards, I had students try on my "blubber glove", and stick their hands back in the water.  Basically, the blubber glove is a large ziplock bag full of crisco shortening.  The kids loved it!

It didn't take long for the kids to realize how much warmer their hands felt in the water while wearing the "blubber glove".  We recorded our discoveries on our information gathering sheets.

Later, we looked at some images of different animals with blubber - whales, penguins, walruses, and polar bears.  

To cement our learning, we recorded our reflections and new learning on our reflection sheets.  Students wrote their thoughts down all over the page in different coloured markers.

This was a super fun way to teach students about this animal adaptation.  I think I had just as much fun as the kids did - seeing their expressions when plunging their hands into the icy water was priceless!

If you are looking to try this activity yourself, click on one of the images below!

If you are looking for a complete unit on Animal Adaptations, click on one of the images below!

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